Deanne Bradford our Optometrist is therapeutically endorsed with the Graduate Certificate in Ocular Therapeutics from UNSW, so can manage any concerning eye emergencies.
Services include:
Removal of foreign body, including welding metal
Red eye (with or without pain)
Conjunctivitis, including viral bacterial or allergy related
Dry scratchy eyes
Eyelash removal
There are some conditions listed below which can be sight or life threatening that need to be seen urgently:
Call 45773471 for urgent attention. Our staff are trained to triage the level of care that is required. Deanne can see you and refer you to the appropriate specialist should it be necessary.
Any eye trauma especially blunt or penetrating injury
Sudden loss of vision or blurry vision either in one or both eyes
Loss of peripheral vision
Flashes of light and floaters in the periphery
Waviness in your vision
Red eye with pain
Double vision
Severe headache, especially in the temporal region
Swollen eyelid/s
After hours you can go to/call:
Hawkesbury Hospital Emergency Department (02) 4560 5555
Westmead Hospital Emergency Department (02) 8890 6520
Sydney Eye Hospital Emergency Department (02) 9382 7111
Royal North Shore Hospital Emergency Department (02) 9926 7111